Recuerda: Para una mejor experiencia en Neopets usa el sitio en inglés.

01 diciembre, 2014


¡Bienvenido a mi estudio! Soy Loic. Estudiando colores y alquimia descubrí algo maravilloso: ¡una poción que puede duplicar objetos aptos para usar de Necoréditos! Y lo mejor de todo es que el nuevo objeto recibirá un color aleatorio.

Pociones con infusión de tonalidades
Para poder trabajar con Loic en su estudio y hacer que la magia funcione, primero deberás comprar o conseguir una poción Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion. Para eso puedes hacerlo desde la tienda de Tinturas o en el Centro de NC.

Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion
125 NC
Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion 5-Bundle
500 NC
Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion 10-Bundle
900 NC
Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion 20-Bundle
1,500 NC

Teniendo esto deberás ir a la tienda de Tintura en el Centro de NC donde podrás encontrar todos los objetos que Loc puede teñir con sus pociones. Busca entre las categorías disponible el objeto de NC que colocaste en el Inventario junto a la poción y dale clic para poder teñirlo.

Hay tres y a veces cuatro colores distintos de tintura en los que se podrá transformar tu objeto, pero tu no podrás escoger cual. Una vez que la poción se utiliza en un objeto de Neocréditos éste se duplicará aleatoriamente a uno de sus colores disponibles.

Cuando quieras ir a teñir objetos en la tienda de Loc encontrarás una lista de objetos en cuatro categorías distintas que tendrán a su vez las variables de colores de cada objeto.


Objetos de Marzo 2024
Disponible desde 22 de Marzo del 2024 hasta el 18 de Abril de 2024.

Temporada de Pascuas

Baby Snowbunny Plushie

Dyeworks Dark Blue: Baby Snowbunny Plushie

Dyeworks Pink: Baby Snowbunny Plushie

Dyeworks Yellow: Baby Snowbunny Plushie

Maraquan Basket of Seashells

Dyeworks Brown: Maraquan Basket of Seashells

Dyeworks Lavender: Maraquan Basket of Seashells

Dyeworks Pink: Maraquan Basket of Seashells

Charming Mushroom Cap

Dyeworks Blue: Charming Mushroom Cap

Dyeworks Brown: Charming Mushroom Cap

Dyeworks Pink: Charming Mushroom Cap

Mutant Butterfly Accessory

Dyeworks Blue: Mutant Butterfly Accessory

Dyeworks Orange: Mutant Butterfly Accessory

Dyeworks Pastel Rainbow: Mutant Butterfly Accessory

Pastel Dyed Dress

Dyeworks Galaxy: Pastel Dyed Dress

Dyeworks Rainbow: Pastel Dyed Dress

Dyeworks Sunset: Pastel Dyed Dress

Ombre Cloud Garland

Dyeworks White: Ombre Cloud Garland

Dyeworks Pink: Ombre Cloud Garland

Dyeworks Pastel Rainbow: Ombre Cloud Garland

Trapped in a Jar

Dyeworks Dark Blue: Trapped in a Jar

Dyeworks Lavender: Trapped in a Jar

Dyeworks Rainbow: Trapped in a Jar

End of the Rainbow Beam

Dyeworks Pastel: End of the Rainbow Beam

Dyeworks Sunset: End of the Rainbow Beam

Dyeworks Yellow: End of the Rainbow Beam

Breezy Cherry Blossom Filter

Dyeworks Black: Breezy Cherry Blossom Filter

Dyeworks Lavender: Breezy Cherry Blossom Filter

Dyeworks White: Breezy Cherry Blossom Filter

Magical Faerie Glade Background

Dyeworks Black: Magical Faerie Glade Background

Dyeworks Green: Magical Faerie Glade Background

Dyeworks Pink: Magical Faerie Glade Background

Objetos de Febrero 2024
Disponible desde 2 de Febrero del 2024 hasta el 27 de Febrero de 2024.

Temporada de San Valentín

Dark and Moody Vignette Filter

Dyeworks Dark Red: Dark and Moody Vignette Filter

Dyeworks Pink: Dark and Moody Vignette Filter

Dyeworks Lavender: Dark and Moody Vignette Filter

Full Moon Mystical Background

Dyeworks Violet: Full Moon Mystical Background

Dyeworks Lavender: Full Moon Mystical Background

Dyeworks Pink: Full Moon Mystical Background

Golden Heart Confetti

Dyeworks Pink: Golden Heart Confetti

Dyeworks Silver: Golden Heart Confetti

Dyeworks Red: Golden Heart Confetti

Lovely Berry Blush Makeup

Dyeworks Magenta: Lovely Berry Blush

Dyeworks Peach: Lovely Berry Blush

Dyeworks Soft Pink: Lovely Berry Blush

Maraquan Spring Tote Bouquet

Dyeworks Pink: Maraquan Spring Tote Bouquet

Dyeworks White: Maraquan Spring Tote Bouquet

Dyeworks Black: Maraquan Spring Tote Bouquet

Unruly Heart Makeup

Dyeworks Black: Unruly Heart Makeup

Dyeworks Soft Pink: Unruly Heart Makeup

Dyeworks White: Unruly Heart Makeup

Pastel Buns with Curly Locks Wig

Dyeworks Blonde: Pastel Buns with Curly Locks Wig

Dyeworks Light Blue: Pastel Buns with Curly Locks Wig

Dyeworks Red: Pastel Buns with Curly Locks Wig

Pretty Pink Heart Dress

Dyeworks Blue: Pretty Pink Heart Dress

Dyeworks Purple: Pretty Pink Heart Dress

Dyeworks Black: Pretty Pink Heart Dress

Mutant Spring Headband

Dyeworks Black: Mutant Spring Headband

Dyeworks Pink: Mutant Spring Headband

Dyeworks Red: Mutant Spring Headband

Valentine Baby Dummy

Dyeworks Blue: Valentine Baby Dummy

Dyeworks Green: Valentine Baby Dummy

Dyeworks White: Valentine Baby Dummy

Objetos de Diciembre 2023
Disponible desde 8 de Diciembre del 2023 hasta el 8 de Enero de 2024.

Temporada Navideña

Constellation Markings

Dyeworks Blue: Constellation Markings

Dyeworks Purple: Constellation Markings

Dyeworks Yellow: Constellation Markings

Plaid Holiday Mutant Scarf

Dyeworks Black: Plaid Holiday Mutant Scarf

Dyeworks Blue: Plaid Holiday Mutant Scarf

Dyeworks Pink: Plaid Holiday Mutant Scarf

Mythical Winter Wig

Dyeworks Blonde: Mythical Winter Wig

Dyeworks Burnt Pink: Mythical Winter Wig

Dyeworks Dark White: Mythical Winter Wig

Snow Angel Gown

Dyeworks Gold: Snow Angel Gown

Dyeworks Green: Snow Angel Gown

Dyeworks Red: Snow Angel Gown

Baby Blue Elf Outfit

Dyeworks Green: Baby Blue Elf Outfit

Dyeworks Red: Baby Blue Elf Outfit

Dyeworks White: Baby Blue Elf Outfit

Maraquan White Lace Gown

Dyeworks Black: Maraquan White Lace Gown

Dyeworks Mint: Maraquan White Lace Gown

Dyeworks Pink: Maraquan White Lace Gown

Lighted Holiday Foreground

Dyeworks Blue: Lighted Holiday Foreground

Dyeworks Gold: Lighted Holiday Foreground

Dyeworks Pink: Lighted Holiday Foreground

Sprinkling Snow

Dyeworks Blue: Sprinkling Snow

Dyeworks Pink: Sprinkling Snow

Dyeworks Purple: Sprinkling Snow

Golden Sparkles Effect

Dyeworks Lavender: Golden Sparkles Effect

Dyeworks Pink: Golden Sparkles Effect

Dyeworks Red: Golden Sparkles Effect

Holiday Staircase Background

Dyeworks Blue: Holiday Staircase Background

Dyeworks Gold: Holiday Staircase Background

Dyeworks Pink: Holiday Staircase Background

Objetos de Octubre 2023
Disponible desde 3 de Octubre del 2023 hasta el 31 de Octubre de 2023.

Temporada de Halloween

Spyder Web Staff

Dyeworks Gold: Spyder Web Staff

Dyeworks Red: Spyder Web Staff

Dyeworks Silver: Spyder Web Staff

Crystal Necklaces

Dyeworks Amber: Crystal Necklaces

Dyeworks Emerald: Crystal Necklaces

Dyeworks Ruby: Crystal Necklaces

Gangrene Mutant Wings

Dyeworks Burgundy: Gangrene Mutant Wings

Dyeworks Burnt Orange: Gangrene Mutant Wings

Dyeworks Dark Purple: Gangrene Mutant Wings

Maraquan Trick-or-Treat Bag

Dyeworks Black: Maraquan Trick-OR-Treat Bag

Dyeworks Green: Maraquan Trick-OR-Treat Bag

Dyeworks Orange: Maraquan Trick-OR-Treat Bag

Baby Button Boots

Dyeworks Black: Baby Button Boots

Dyeworks Blue: Baby Button Boots

Dyeworks Orange: Baby Button Boots

Gown of Fall

Dyeworks Burgundy: Gown of Fall

Dyeworks Cream: Gown of Fall

Dyeworks Orange: Gown of Fall

Comfy Cordur-alls

Dyeworks Black: Comfy Cordur-alls

Dyeworks Burgundy: Comfy Cordur-alls

Dyeworks Green: Comfy Cordur-alls

Black Bat Attack

Dyeworks Brown: Black Bat Attack

Dyeworks Grey: Black Bat Attack

Dyeworks Purple: Black Bat Attack

Sparkling Fog

Dyeworks Black: Sparkling Fog

Dyeworks Lavender: Sparkling Fog

Dyeworks Sepia: Sparkling Fog

Mystical Forest Entryway Background

Dyeworks Orange: Mystical Forest Entryway Background

Dyeworks Pink: Mystical Forest Entryway Background

Dyeworks Purple: Mystical Forest Entryway Background

Objetos de Agosto 2023
Disponible desde 18 de Julio del 2023 hasta el 13 de Agosto de 2023.

Temporada de Verano

Flowing Ombre Cape

Dyeworks Lavender: Flowing Ombre Cape

Dyeworks Mint: Flowing Ombre Cape

Dyeworks Pink: Flowing Ombre Cape

Magical Floral Wig

Dyeworks Pink: Magical Floral Wig

Dyeworks Lavender: Magical Floral Wig

Dyeworks Blonde: Magical Floral Wig

Maraquan Pink Heart Bun Wig

Dyeworks Blonde: Maraquan Pink Heart Bun Wig

Dyeworks Ginger: Maraquan Pink Heart Bun Wig

Dyeworks Teal: Maraquan Pink Heart Bun Wig

Mutant Purple Sparkly Eyeshadow Makeup

Dyeworks Blue: Mutant Purple Sparkly Eyeshadow Makeup

Dyeworks Green: Mutant Purple Sparkly Eyeshadow Makeup

Dyeworks Pink: Mutant Purple Sparkly Eyeshadow Makeup

Pink Baby Bow

Dyeworks Lavender: Pink Baby Bow

Dyeworks White: Pink Baby Bow

Dyeworks Yellow: Pink Baby Bow

Pink Daisy Parasol

Dyeworks Lavender: Pink Daisy Parasol

Dyeworks White: Pink Daisy Parasol

Dyeworks Yellow: Pink Daisy Parasol

Pink Sands Background

Dyeworks Navy: Pink Sands Background

Dyeworks Orange: Pink Sands Background

Dyeworks Red: Pink Sands Background

Rainbow Shimmer Body Paint

Dyeworks Galaxy: Rainbow Shimmer Body Paint

Dyeworks Pastel: Rainbow Shimmer Body Paint

Dyeworks Sunset: Rainbow Shimmer Body Paint

Smiling Eyes Contacts

Dyeworks Brown: Smiling Eyes Contacts

Dyeworks Lavender: Smiling Eyes Contacts

Dyeworks White: Smiling Eyes Contacts

Sparkles of Space Background

Dyeworks Dark Blue: Sparkles of Space Background

Dyeworks Lavender: Sparkles of Space Background

Dyeworks Violet: Sparkles of Space Background

Sun Shower

Dyeworks Light Blue: Sun Shower

Dyeworks Teal: Sun Shower

Dyeworks Violet: Sparkles of Space Background

Objetos de Abril 2023
Disponible desde 23 de Marzo del 2023 hasta el 16 de Abril de 2023.

Temporada de Pascuas

Baby Playtime Overalls

Dyeworks Green: Baby Playtime Overalls

Dyeworks Pink: Baby Playtime Overalls

Dyeworks Yellow: Baby Playtime Overalls

Bitten Snowbunny Ears Headband

Dyeworks Black: Bitten Snowbunny Ears Headband

Dyeworks Brown: Bitten Snowbunny Ears Headband

Dyeworks Pink: Bitten Snowbunny Ears Headband

Emanating Aura

Dyeworks Blue: Emanating Aura

Dyeworks Mint: Emanating Aura

Dyeworks Rainbow: Emanating Aura

Great Big Outdoors Background

Dyeworks Orange: Great Big Outdoors Background

Dyeworks Pink: Great Big Outdoors Background

Dyeworks White: Great Big Outdoors Background

Just Peachy Filter

Dyeworks Blue: Just Peachy Filter

Dyeworks Lavender: Just Peachy Filter

Dyeworks White: Just Peachy Filter

Lavender Petal Dress

Dyeworks Blue: Lavender Petal Dress

Dyeworks Ivory: Lavender Petal Dress

Dyeworks Mint: Lavender Petal Dress

Mint and Aqua Flower Wig

Dyeworks Cream: Mint and Aqua Flower Wig

Dyeworks Lavender: Mint and Aqua Flower Wig

Dyeworks Pink: Mint and Aqua Flower Wig

Mutant Ethereal Glow

Dyeworks Black: Mutant Ethereal Glow

Dyeworks Green: Mutant Ethereal Glow

Dyeworks Red: Mutant Ethereal Glow

Sheer Scalloped Maraquan Cape

Dyeworks Lavender: Sheer Scalloped Maraquan Cape

Dyeworks Mint: Sheer Scalloped Maraquan Cape

Dyeworks Pink: Sheer Scalloped Maraquan Cape

Shimmering Ring of Generosity

Dyeworks Blue: Shimmering Ring of Generosity

Dyeworks Pink: Shimmering Ring of Generosity

Dyeworks White: Shimmering Ring of Generosity

Objetos de Febrero 2023
Disponible desde 1° de Febrero del 2023 hasta el 26 de Febrero de 2023.

Temporada de San Valentín

Baby Valentine Jumper and Shirt

Dyeworks Baby Blue: Baby Valentine Jumper

Dyeworks Baby Pink: Baby Valentine Jumper

Dyeworks Baby Purple: Baby Valentine Jumper

Cascading Roses

Dyeworks Blue: Cascading Roses

Dyeworks White: Cascading Roses

Dyeworks Yellow: Cascading Roses

Gold Trimmed Roses Foreground

Dyeworks Black: Gold Trimmed Roses Foreground

Dyeworks Cream: Gold Trimmed Roses Foreground

Dyeworks Light Pink: Gold Trimmed Roses Foreground

Lonely Hearts Road Background

Dyeworks Pink: Lonely Hearts Road Background

Dyeworks Red: Lonely Hearts Road Background

Dyeworks Sepia: Lonely Hearts Road Background

Maraquan Peach Ruffled Gown

Dyeworks Black: Maraquan Peach Ruffled Gown

Dyeworks Deep Purple: Maraquan Peach Ruffled Gown

Dyeworks Pink: Maraquan Peach Ruffled Gown

Rich Golden Eye Makeup

Dyeworks Brown: Rich Golden Eye Makeup

Dyeworks Lavender: Rich Golden Eye Makeup

Dyeworks Red: Rich Golden Eye Makeup

Valentine Mutant Dress

Dyeworks Black: Valentine Mutant Dress

Dyeworks Pink: Valentine Mutant Dress

Dyeworks Red: Valentine Mutant Dress

Victorian Updo

Dyeworks Black: Victorian Updo

Dyeworks Blonde: Victorian Updo

Dyeworks Pink: Victorian Updo

Vintage Mauve Valentine Gown

Dyeworks Black: Vintage Mauve Valentine Gown

Dyeworks Cream: Vintage Mauve Valentine Gown

Dyeworks Purple: Vintage Mauve Valentine Gown

Vintage Valentine Swing

Dyeworks Birch: Vintage Valentine Swing

Dyeworks Walnut: Vintage Valentine Swing

Dyeworks White: Vintage Valentine Swing

Objetos de Diciembre 2022
Disponible desde 1° de Diciembre del 2022 hasta el 25 de Diciembre de 2022.

Temporada Navideña

Baby Magical Galaxy Markings

Dyeworks Baby Pastel Rainbow: Baby Magical Galaxy Markings

Dyeworks Red & White: Baby Magical Galaxy Markings

Dyeworks Silver & Gold: Baby Magical Galaxy Markings

Casual Mutant Trousers

Dyeworks Black: Casual Mutant Trousers

Dyeworks Blue: Casual Mutant Trousers

Dyeworks Brown: Casual Mutant Trousers

Caylis Collectors Wig

Dyeworks Blonde: Caylis Collectors Wig

Dyeworks Pink: Caylis Collectors Wig

Dyeworks White: Caylis Collectors Wig

Drink of Celebration

Dyeworks Beige: Drink of Celebration

Dyeworks Burgundy: Drink of Celebration

Dyeworks Pink: Drink of Celebration

Fireplace Zen Background

Dyeworks Antique: Fireplace Zen Background

Dyeworks Blue: Fireplace Zen Background

Dyeworks Cream: Fireplace Zen Background

Holiday Light Contacts

Dyeworks Pink: Holiday Light Contacts

Dyeworks Purple: Holiday Light Contacts

Dyeworks Silver: Holiday Light Contacts

Maraquan Mermaid Tail

Dyeworks Blue: Maraquan Mermaid Tail

Dyeworks Green: Maraquan Mermaid Tail

Dyeworks White: Maraquan Mermaid Tail

Playful Tousled Wig

Dyeworks Ginger: Playful Tousled Wig

Dyeworks Green: Playful Tousled Wig

Dyeworks Tangerine: Playful Tousled Wig

Prissy Miss Snowflake Dress

Dyeworks Cream: Prissy Miss Snowflake Dress

Dyeworks Lavender: Prissy Miss Snowflake Dress

Dyeworks Pink: Prissy Miss Snowflake Dress

White Christmas Side Tree

Dyeworks Gold: White Christmas Side Tree

Dyeworks Green: White Christmas Side Tree

Dyeworks Pink: White Christmas Side Tree

Winter Faerie Wings

Dyeworks Blue: Winter Faerie Wings

Dyeworks Pink: Winter Faerie Wings

Dyeworks Silver & Gold: Winter Faerie Wings

Objetos de Octubre 2022
Disponible desde 3 de Octubre del 2022 hasta el 31 de Octubre de 2022.

Temporada de Halloween

Baby Rosy Cheeks

Dyeworks Baby Gold: Baby Rosy Cheeks

Dyeworks Red & Peach: Baby Rosy Cheeks

Dyeworks Red: Baby Rosy Cheeks

Crystal Collector Witch Hat

Dyeworks Black: Crystal Collector Witch Hat

Dyeworks Purple: Crystal Collector Witch Hat

Dyeworks White: Crystal Collector Witch Hat

Forest Fog Background

Dyeworks Purple: Forest Fog Background

Dyeworks Sepia: Forest Fog Background

Dyeworks White: Forest Fog Background

Glowing Handheld Candle

Dyeworks Gold: Glowing Handheld Candle

Dyeworks Orange: Glowing Handheld Candle

Dyeworks Purple: Glowing Handheld Candle

Gothic Snowbunny Ears Headband

Dyeworks Purple: Gothic Snowbunny Ears Headband

Dyeworks Red: Gothic Snowbunny Ears Headband

Dyeworks White: Gothic Snowbunny Ears Headband

Graveyard Fog

Dyeworks Black: Graveyard Fog

Dyeworks Orange: Graveyard Fog

Dyeworks White: Graveyard Fog

Long Charming Grey Wig

Dyeworks Black: Long Charming Grey Wig

Dyeworks Pastle Pink: Long Charming Grey Wig

Dyeworks Lavender: Long Charming Grey Wig

Mutant Elegant Burgundy Wig

Dyeworks Black: Mutant Elegant Burgundy Wig

Dyeworks Pastel Pink: Mutant Elegant Burgundy Wig

Dyeworks White: Mutant Elegant Burgundy Wig

Mysterious Velveteen Dress

Dyeworks Green: Mysterious Velveteen Dress

Dyeworks Purple: Mysterious Velveteen Dress

Dyeworks Red: Mysterious Velveteen Dress

Pearl Shimmer Maraquan Markings

Dyeworks Gold: Pearl Shimmer Maraquan Markings

Dyeworks Purple: Pearl Shimmer Maraquan Markings

Dyeworks White: Pearl Shimmer Maraquan Markings

Objetos de Agosto 2022
Disponible desde 29 de Julio del 2022 hasta el 21 de Agosto de 2022.

Temporada de Verano

Field of Flowers Foreground

Dyeworks Lavender: Field of Flowers Foreground

Dyeworks Pink: Field of Flowers Foreground

Dyeworks Red: Field of Flowers Foreground

Dyeworks White: Field of Flowers Foreground

Baby Starry Space Buns Wig

Dyeworks Baby Blonde: Baby Starry Space Buns Wig

Dyeworks Light Brown: Baby Starry Space Buns Wig

Dyeworks Pink: Baby Starry Space Buns Wig

Brown Tapered Wig

Dyeworks Auburn: Brown Tapered Wig

Dyeworks Blonde: Brown Tapered Wig

Dyeworks Grey: Brown Tapered Wig

Chains are a Mutants BFF

Dyeworks Black: Chains are a Mutants BFF

Dyeworks Copper: Chains are a Mutants BFF

Dyeworks Gold: Chains are a Mutants BFF

Daydreaming Makeup

Dyeworks Green: Daydreaming Makeup

Dyeworks Lavender: Daydreaming Makeup

Dyeworks Pink: Daydreaming Makeup

Flowing Floral Dress

Dyeworks Black: Flowing Floral Dress

Dyeworks Blue: Flowing Floral Dress

Dyeworks Yellow: Flowing Floral Dress

Maraquan Wig with Ocean Jewels

Dyeworks Black: Maraquan Wig with Ocean Jewels

Dyeworks Pink: Maraquan Wig with Ocean Jewels

Dyeworks White: Maraquan Wig with Ocean Jewels

Popping Bubble Gum

Dyeworks Cinnamon: Popping Bubble Gum

Dyeworks Lavender: Popping Bubble Gum

Dyeworks Mint: Popping Bubble Gum

Usuki Dream Car

Dyeworks Black: Usuki Dream Car

Dyeworks Blue: Usuki Dream Car

Dyeworks Red: Usuki Dream Car

Waterfall Fireworks Effect

Dyeworks Gold: Waterfall Fireworks Effect

Dyeworks Lavender: Waterfall Fireworks Effect

Dyeworks Pink: Waterfall Fireworks Effect

Objetos de Marzo 2022
Disponible desde 8 de Marzo del 2022 hasta el 3 de Abril de 2022.

Temporada de Primavera

Baby Superstar Dress

Dyeworks Blue: Baby Superstar Dress

Dyeworks Green: Baby Superstar Dress

Dyeworks Red: Baby Superstar Dress

Beautiful Green Painting Background

Dyeworks Lavender: Beautiful Green Painting Background

Dyeworks Pink: Beautiful Green Painting Background

Dyeworks White: Beautiful Green Painting Background

Cherry Blossom Garland

Dyeworks Black: Cherry Blossom Garland

Dyeworks Green: Cherry Blossom Garland

Dyeworks Lavender: Cherry Blossom Garland

Cyodrake Temple Garden

Dyeworks Green: Cyodrake Temple Garden

Dyeworks Purple: Cyodrake Temple Garden

Dyeworks White: Cyodrake Temple Garden

Fishtail Braided Pigtail Wig

Dyeworks Auburn: Fishtail Braided Pigtail Wig

Dyeworks Black: Fishtail Braided Pigtail Wig

Dyeworks Blonde: Fishtail Braided Pigtail Wig

Maraquan Ocean Blue Contacts

Dyeworks Green: Maraquan Ocean Blue Contacts

Dyeworks Purple: Maraquan Ocean Blue Contacts

Dyeworks Silver: Maraquan Ocean Blue Contacts

Mutant Pink Ruffle Dress

Dyeworks Green: Mutant Pink Ruffle Dress

Dyeworks Orange: Mutant Pink Ruffle Dress

Dyeworks Yellow: Mutant Pink Ruffle Dress

Specialty Shop Spectacles

Dyeworks Black: Specialty Shop Spectacles

Dyeworks Blue: Specialty Shop Spectacles

Dyeworks Pink: Specialty Shop Spectacles

String Heart Lights

Dyeworks Pink: String Heart Lights

Dyeworks Red: String Heart Lights

Dyeworks Silver: String Heart Lights

Sunny Garden Dress

Dyeworks Peach: Sunny Garden Dress

Dyeworks Purple: Sunny Garden Dress

Dyeworks White: Sunny Garden Dress

Objetos de Diciembre 2021
Disponible desde 9 de Diciembre del 2021 hasta el 1° de Enero de 2022.

Temporada de Fiestas

Baby Pink Contacts

Dyeworks Blue: Baby Pink Contacts

Dyeworks Brown: Baby Pink Contacts

Dyeworks Green: Baby Pink Contacts

Golden Sparkles Effect

Dyeworks Blue: Golden Sparkles Effect

Dyeworks Green: Golden Sparkles Effect

Dyeworks Silver: Golden Sparkles Effect

Mutant Winter Boots

Dyeworks Brown: Mutant Winter Boots

Dyeworks Pink: Mutant Winter Boots

Dyeworks White: Mutant Winter Boots

Sea Sparkles Maraquan Makeup

Dyeworks Gold: Sea Sparkles Maraquan Makeup

Dyeworks Purple: Sea Sparkles Maraquan Makeup

Dyeworks Silver: Sea Sparkles Maraquan Makeup

Starry Night Background

Dyeworks Blue: Starry Night Background

Dyeworks Pink: Starry Night Background

Dyeworks Silver: Starry Night Background

Steaming Mug of Hot Borovan

Dyeworks Pink: Steaming Mug of Hot Borovan

Dyeworks Red: Steaming Mug of Hot Borovan

Dyeworks White: Steaming Mug of Hot Borovan

Swirl of Magic

Dyeworks Pink: Swirl of Magic

Dyeworks Purple: Swirl of Magic

Dyeworks Silver: Swirl of Magic

White Snowflake Caplet

Dyeworks Blue: White Snowflake Caplet

Dyeworks Pink: White Snowflake Caplet

Dyeworks Purple: White Snowflake Caplet

Winter Couture Dress

Dyeworks Blue: Winter Couture Dress

Dyeworks Green: Winter Couture Dress

Dyeworks Red: Winter Couture Dress

Objetos de Octubre 2021
Disponible desde 12 de Octubre del 2021 hasta el 7 de Noviembre de 2021.

Temporada de Halloween

Adorable Freckles

Dyeworks Beige: Adorable Freckles

Dyeworks Brown: Adorable Freckles

Dyeworks White: Adorable Freckles

Baby Pumpkin Costume

Dyeworks Purple: Baby Pumpkin Costume

Dyeworks White: Baby Pumpkin Costume

Dyeworks Yellow: Baby Pumpkin Costume

Dark Rolling Clouds

Dyeworks Blue: Dark Rolling Clouds

Dyeworks Red: Dark Rolling Clouds

Dyeworks White: Dark Rolling Clouds

Deadly Beauty Dress

Dyeworks Green: Deadly Beauty Dress

Dyeworks Purple: Deadly Beauty Dress

Dyeworks Red: Deadly Beauty Dress

Lifeless Mutant Contacts

Dyeworks Black: Lifeless Mutant Contacts

Dyeworks Brown: Lifeless Mutant Contacts

Dyeworks Green: Lifeless Mutant Contacts

Maraquan Velvet Dress

Dyeworks Orange: Maraquan Velvet Dress

Dyeworks Red: Maraquan Velvet Dress

Dyeworks White: Maraquan Velvet Dress

Playful Tousled Wig

Dyeworks Black: Playful Tousled Wig

Dyeworks White: Playful Tousled Wig

Dyeworks Yellow: Playful Tousled Wig

Radiant Glow

Dyeworks Black: Radiant Glow

Dyeworks Red: Radiant Glow

Dyeworks White: Radiant Glow

Sophies Collectors Lantern Staff

Dyeworks Black: Sophies Collectors Lantern Staff

Dyeworks Grey: Sophies Collectors Lantern Staff

Dyeworks Red: Sophies Collectors Lantern Staff

Starry Glowstone Path Background

Dyeworks Blue: Starry Glowstone Path Background

Dyeworks Purple: Starry Glowstone Path Background

Dyeworks Silver: Starry Glowstone Path Background

Objetos de Julio 2021
Disponible desde 15 de Julio del 2021 hasta el 8 de Agosto de 2021.

Temporada de Verano

Baby Summer Swimsuit

Dyeworks Blue: Baby Summer Swimsuit

Dyeworks Green: Baby Summer Swimsuit

Dyeworks Purple: Baby Summer Swimsuit

Boba Tea Cup

Dyeworks Green: Boba Tea Cup

Dyeworks Pink: Boba Tea Cup

Dyeworks Purple: Boba Tea Cup

Maraquan Jeweled Foreground

Dyeworks Blue: Maraquan Jeweled Foreground

Dyeworks Green: Maraquan Jeweled Foreground

Dyeworks Grey: Maraquan Jeweled Foreground

Maraquan Ombre Ocean Wig

Dyeworks Brown: Maraquan Ombre Ocean Wig

Dyeworks Grey: Maraquan Ombre Ocean Wig

Dyeworks Red: Maraquan Ombre Ocean Wig

MME2-S1: Mystical Rain Shower

Dyeworks Blue: MME2-S1: Mystical Rain Shower

Dyeworks Gold: MME2-S1: Mystical Rain Shower

Dyeworks Grey: MME2-S1: Mystical Rain Shower

Mutant Yellow Tulips Bouquet

Dyeworks Pink: Mutant Yellow Tulips Bouquet

Dyeworks Purple: Mutant Yellow Tulips Bouquet

Dyeworks White: Mutant Yellow Tulips Bouquet

Ombre Cloud Garland

Dyeworks Gold: Ombre Cloud Garland

Dyeworks Grey: Ombre Cloud Garland

Dyeworks Purple: Ombre Cloud Garland

Sparkly Closed Eyes Makeup

Dyeworks Blue: Sparkly Closed Eyes Makeup

Dyeworks Gold: Sparkly Closed Eyes Makeup

Dyeworks Pink: Sparkly Closed Eyes Makeup

Objetos de Marzo 2021
Disponible desde 12 de Marzo del 2021 hasta el 2 de Abril de 2021.

Temporada de Primavera

Glow of Goodness

Dyeworks Blue: Glow of Goodness

Dyeworks Lavender: Glow of Goodness

Dyeworks Orange: Glow of Goodness

Dyeworks Pink: Glow of Goodness

Baby Spring Wig

Dyeworks Brown: Baby Spring Wig

Dyeworks Orange: Baby Spring Wig

Dyeworks Pink: Baby Spring Wig

Gothic Pastel Dress

Dyeworks Pink: Gothic Pastel Dress

Dyeworks Purple: Gothic Pastel Dress

Dyeworks Teal: Gothic Pastel Dress

Maraquan Roamers Cape

Dyeworks Black: Maraquan Roamers Cape

Dyeworks Blue: Maraquan Roamers Cape

Dyeworks Red: Maraquan Roamers Cape

MME18-S4a: Gothic Blossoms Foreground

Dyeworks Pink: MME18-S4a: Gothic Blossoms Foreground

Dyeworks Red: MME18-S4a: Gothic Blossoms Foreground

Dyeworks Teal: MME18-S4a: Gothic Blossoms Foreground

Mutant Negg Flower Wig

Dyeworks Black: Mutant Negg Flower Wig

Dyeworks Brown: Mutant Negg Flower Wig

Dyeworks Red: Mutant Negg Flower Wig

Shamrock Vine Arbour

Dyeworks Orange: Shamrock Vine Arbour

Dyeworks Pink: Shamrock Vine Arbour

Dyeworks Purple: Shamrock Vine Arbour

Objetos de Diciembre 2020
Disponible desde 10 de Diciembre del 2020 hasta el 1 de Enero de 2021.

Temporada Navideña

Baby Bun with Heart Headband

Dyeworks Black: Baby Bun with Heart Headband

Dyeworks Brown: Baby Bun with Heart Headband

Dyeworks Red: Baby Bun with Heart Headband

Baby in a Present Box

Dyeworks Blue: Baby in a Present Box

Dyeworks Green: Baby in a Present Box

Dyeworks Pink: Baby in a Present Box

Fancy Sparkles Shower

Dyeworks Blue: Fancy Sparkles Shower

Dyeworks Orange: Fancy Sparkles Shower

Dyeworks Purple: Fancy Sparkles Shower

Handheld Moon Balloon

Dyeworks Gold: Handheld Moon Balloon

Dyeworks Pink: Handheld Moon Balloon

Dyeworks Teal: Handheld Moon Balloon

Handheld Pastel Candy Cane

Dyeworks Green: Handheld Pastel Candy Cane

Dyeworks Pink: Handheld Pastel Candy Cane

Dyeworks Yellow: Handheld Pastel Candy Cane

Limited Edition- Holiday String Lights Wig

Dyeworks Blonde: Limited Edition- Holiday String Lights Wig

Dyeworks Brown: Limited Edition- Holiday String Lights Wig

Dyeworks Mint: Limited Edition- Holiday String Lights Wig

Maraquan White Beaded Gown

Dyeworks Coral: Maraquan White Beaded Gown

Dyeworks Green: Maraquan White Beaded Gown

Dyeworks Lavender: Maraquan White Beaded Gown

Mutant Spiked Collar

Dyeworks Blue: Mutant Spiked Collar

Dyeworks Green: Mutant Spiked Collar

Dyeworks Purple: Mutant Spiked Collar

Pastel Christmas Cookie Party Background

Dyeworks Orange & Lavender: Pastel Christmas Cookie Party Background

Dyeworks Peach & Cream: Pastel Christmas Cookie Party Background

Dyeworks Teal & Yellow: Pastel Christmas Cookie Party Background

Winter Lights Effects

Dyeworks Orange & Pink: Winter Lights Effects

Dyeworks Red & Green: Winter Lights Effects

Dyeworks Yellow & Magenta: Winter Lights Effects

Objetos de Octubre 2020
Disponible desde 13 de Octubre del 2020 hasta el 6 de Noviembre de 2020.

Temporada de Halloween

Armin Collectors Contacts

Dyeworks Green: Armin Collectors Contacts

Dyeworks Pink: Armin Collectors Contacts

Dyeworks Yellow: Armin Collectors Contacts

Cosy Baby Onesie

Dyeworks Black: Cosy Baby Onesie

Dyeworks Cream: Cosy Baby Onesie

Dyeworks Pink: Cosy Baby Onesie

Darkness Attacks

Dyeworks Blue: Darkness Attacks

Dyeworks Red: Darkness Attacks

Dyeworks Purple: Darkness Attacks

Decorated Witch Hat and Wig

Dyeworks Blue: Decorated Witch Hat and Wig

Dyeworks Grey: Decorated Witch Hat and Wig

Dyeworks Maroon: Decorated Witch Hat and Wig

Eventide Mountains Background

Dyeworks Orange: Eventide Mountains Background

Dyeworks Pink: Eventide Mountains Background

Dyeworks Turquoise: Eventide Mountains Background

Fall Mutant Flannel

Dyeworks Blue: Fall Mutant Flannel

Dyeworks Purple: Fall Mutant Flannel

Dyeworks Red: Fall Mutant Flannel

Maraquan Wig with Negg Accessory

Dyeworks Aquamarine: Maraquan Wig with Negg Accessory

Dyeworks Green: Maraquan Wig with Negg Accessory

Dyeworks Purple: Maraquan Wig with Negg Accessory

MiniMME18-S2a: Galactic Traveller Wig

Dyeworks Blue & Purple: MiniMME18-S2a: Galactic Traveller Wig

Dyeworks Pink & Orange: MiniMME18-S2a: Galactic Traveller Wig

Dyeworks Red & Blonde: MiniMME18-S2a: Galactic Traveller Wig

Pastel Pumpkin Foreground

Dyeworks Purple & Green: Pastel Pumpkin Foreground

Dyeworks White & Blue: Pastel Pumpkin Foreground

Dyeworks Yellow & Pink: Pastel Pumpkin Foreground

Playful Scarecrow Makeup

Dyeworks Brown: Playful Scarecrow Makeup

Dyeworks Orange: Playful Scarecrow Makeup

Dyeworks White: Playful Scarecrow Makeup

Radiant Sunflower Arbour

Dyeworks Blue: Radiant Sunflower Arbour

Dyeworks Pink: Radiant Sunflower Arbour

Dyeworks Red: Radiant Sunflower Arbour

Objetos de Agosto 2020
Disponible desde 30 de Julio del 2020 hasta el 20 de Agosto de 2020.

Temporada de Verano

Doughnut Float Ring

Dyeworks Chocolate: Doughnut Float Ring

Dyeworks Cream: Doughnut Float Ring

Dyeworks Green: Doughnut Float Ring

Dyeworks Purple: Doughnut Float Ring

Baby Polka Dot Dress

Dyeworks Blue: Baby Polka Dot Dress

Dyeworks Green: Baby Polka Dot Dress

Dyeworks Orange: Baby Polka Dot Dress

Branch of Singing Weewoos Garland

Dyeworks Pink: Branch of Singing Weewoos Garland

Dyeworks Purple: Branch of Singing Weewoos Garland

Dyeworks Yellow: Branch of Singing Weewoos Garland

Garland of Seashells

Dyeworks Blue: Garland of Seashells

Dyeworks Pink: Garland of Seashells

Dyeworks White: Garland of Seashells

Iridescent Mermaid Tail

Dyeworks Green: Iridescent Mermaid Tail

Dyeworks Pink: Iridescent Mermaid Tail

Dyeworks Yellow: Iridescent Mermaid Tail

Maraquan Sea Blue Gown

Dyeworks Lavender: Maraquan Sea Blue Gown

Dyeworks Pink: Maraquan Sea Blue Gown

Dyeworks Silver: Maraquan Sea Blue Gown

Ornamental Lake with Goldies

Dyeworks Orange: Ornamental Lake with Goldies

Dyeworks Pink: Ornamental Lake with Goldies

Dyeworks Purple: Ornamental Lake with Goldies

Quaint Seat on the Moon

Dyeworks Pink: Quaint Seat on the Moon

Dyeworks Turquoise: Quaint Seat on the Moon

Dyeworks Violet: Quaint Seat on the Moon

Stunning Moon View Background

Dyeworks Blue: Stunning Moon View Background

Dyeworks Pink: PStunning Moon View Background

Dyeworks Red: Stunning Moon View Background

Windswept Wig and Hat

Dyeworks Black: Windswept Wig and Hat

Dyeworks Brown: Windswept Wig and Hat

Dyeworks Red: Windswept Wig and Hat

Objetos de Abril 2020
Disponible desde 1° de Abril del 2020 hasta el 26 de Abril de 2020.

Temporada de Pascuas

Blonde Gladiator Wig

Dyeworks Green: Blonde Gladiator Wig

Dyeworks Purple: Blonde Gladiator Wig

Dyeworks Red: Blonde Gladiator Wig

Garden Tea Parasol

Dyeworks Green: Garden Tea Parasol

Dyeworks Purple: Garden Tea Parasol

Dyeworks Silver: Garden Tea Parasol

Healing Springs Foreground

Dyeworks Blue: Healing Springs Foreground

Dyeworks Red: Healing Springs Foreground

Dyeworks Yellow: Healing Springs Foreground

Lighted Spring Dress

Dyeworks Black: Lighted Spring Dress

Dyeworks Green: Lighted Spring Dress

Dyeworks Red: Lighted Spring Dress

Spring Teal Sandals

Dyeworks Blue: Spring Teal Sandals

Dyeworks Gold: Spring Teal Sandals

Dyeworks Pink: Spring Teal Sandals

Striped Painted Negg Wings

Dyeworks Black: Striped Painted Negg Wings

Dyeworks Blue: Striped Painted Negg Wings

Dyeworks Purple: Striped Painted Negg Wings

Star Dust Wig

Dyeworks Black: Star Dust Wig

Dyeworks Red: Star Dust Wig

Dyeworks Yellow: Star Dust Wig

Underwater Easter Statue

Dyeworks Black: Underwater Easter Statue

Dyeworks Blue: Underwater Easter Statue

Dyeworks Gold: Underwater Easter Statue

Objetos de Enero 2020
Disponible desde 24 de Enero del 2020 hasta el 16 de Febrero de 2020.

Temporada de Invierno

Golden Ball Gown

Dyeworks Blue: Golden Ball Gown

Dyeworks Red: Golden Ball Gown

Dyeworks Silver: Golden Ball Gown

Holiday Light Contacts

Dyeworks Blue: Holiday Light Contacts

Dyeworks Gold: Holiday Light Contacts

Dyeworks Green: Holiday Light Contacts

Nightmare Bristle Cape

Dyeworks Green: Nightmare Bristle Cape

Dyeworks Red: Nightmare Bristle Cape

Dyeworks White: Nightmare Bristle Cape

Snowfall Long Hair

Dyeworks Black: Snowfall Long Hair

Dyeworks Pink: Snowfall Long Hair

Dyeworks Red: Snowfall Long Hair

Snowflake Shower

Dyeworks Gold: Snowflake Shower

Dyeworks Green: Snowflake Shower

Dyeworks Pink: Snowflake Shower

Snowy Pine Cone Foreground

Dyeworks Blue: Snowy Pine Cone Foreground

Dyeworks Lavender: Snowy Pine Cone Foreground

Dyeworks Silver: Snowy Pine Cone Foreground

Wintery White Hood

Dyeworks Black: Wintery White Hood

Dyeworks Blue: Wintery White Hood

Dyeworks Purple: Wintery White Hood

Objetos de Octubre 2019
Disponible desde 4 de Octubre del 2019 hasta el 3 de Noviembre de 2019.

Temporada de Halloween

Baby in a Pumpkin

Dyeworks Lavender: Baby in a Pumpkin

Dyeworks White: Baby in a Pumpkin

Dyeworks Yellow: Baby in a Pumpkin

Big Doll Eyes Contacts

Dyeworks Green: Big Doll Eyes Contacts

Dyeworks Lavender: Big Doll Eyes Contacts

Dyeworks Pink: Big Doll Eyes Contacts

Black Candle and Pumpkins Foreground

Dyeworks Blue: Black Candle and Pumpkins Foreground

Dyeworks Lavender: Black Candle and Pumpkins Foreground

Dyeworks Orange: Black Candle and Pumpkins Foreground

Extra Plaid Scarf

Dyeworks Green: Extra Plaid Scarf

Dyeworks Grey: Extra Plaid Scarf

Dyeworks Red: Extra Plaid Scarf

Jars of Magic Foreground

Dyeworks Fuschia: Jars of Magic Foreground

Dyeworks Green: Jars of Magic Foreground

Dyeworks Yellow: Jars of Magic Foreground

Maraquan Flowing Fuchsia Wig

Dyeworks Black: Maraquan Flowing Fuchsia Wig

Dyeworks Blonde: Maraquan Flowing Fuchsia Wig

Dyeworks Blue: Maraquan Flowing Fuchsia Wig

MiniMME4-S2: Cloud of Ghostly Orbs

Dyeworks Gold: MiniMME4-S2: Cloud of Ghostly Orbs

Dyeworks Red: MiniMME4-S2: Cloud of Ghostly Orbs

Dyeworks White: MiniMME4-S2: Cloud of Ghostly Orbs

Radioactive Mutant Markings

Dyeworks Blue: Radioactive Mutant Markings

Dyeworks Red: Radioactive Mutant Markings

Dyeworks Yellow: Radioactive Mutant Markings

Objetos de Agosto 2019
Disponible desde 31 de Julio del 2019 hasta el 21 de Agosto de 2019.

Temporada de Verano

Baby Wading Pool

Dyeworks Green: Baby Wading Pool

Dyeworks Pink: Baby Wading Pool

Dyeworks Yellow: Baby Wading Pool

Blonde Fishtail Side Braid

Dyeworks Blue: Blonde Fishtail Side Braid

Dyeworks Lavender: Blonde Fishtail Side Braid

Dyeworks Pink: Blonde Fishtail Side Braid

Cupcake Curtains

Dyeworks Blue: Cupcake Curtains

Dyeworks Green: Cupcake Curtains

Dyeworks Purple: Cupcake Curtains

Dusty Pink Lamps Garland

Dyeworks Blue: Dusty Pink Lamps Garland

Dyeworks Lavender: Dusty Pink Lamps Garland

Dyeworks Orange: Dusty Pink Lamps Garland

Golden Sea Star Wig

Dyeworks Auburn: Golden Sea Star Wig

Dyeworks Black: Golden Sea Star Wig

Dyeworks Purple: Golden Sea Star Wig

Maraquan Silver Markings

Dyeworks Green: Maraquan Silver Markings

Dyeworks Purple: Maraquan Silver Markings

Dyeworks Yellow: Maraquan Silver Markings

Pastel Rose Tulle Dress

Dyeworks Blue: Pastel Rose Tulle Dress

Dyeworks Purple: Pastel Rose Tulle Dress

Dyeworks Yellow: Pastel Rose Tulle Dress

Seashell Throne

Dyeworks Magenta: Seashell Throne

Dyeworks Purple: Seashell Throne

Dyeworks Yellow: Seashell Throne

Objetos de Abril/Mayo 2019
Disponible desde 12 de Abril del 2019 hasta el 3 de Mayo de 2019.

Temporada de Primavera

Dark Lace Dress

Dyeworks Purple: Dark Lace Dress

Dyeworks Red: Dark Lace Dress

Dyeworks White: Dark Lace Dress

Fancy Floral Tea Wig

Dyeworks Black: Fancy Floral Tea Wig

Dyeworks Blonde: Fancy Floral Tea Wig

Dyeworks Red: Fancy Floral Tea Wig

Flowering Vine String Lights

Dyeworks Blue: Flowering Vine String Lights

Dyeworks Lavender: Flowering Vine String Lights

Dyeworks Yellow: Flowering Vine String Lights

Lace Curtain Garland

Dyeworks Blue: Lace Curtain Garland

Dyeworks Lavender: Lace Curtain Garland

Dyeworks Pink: Lace Curtain Garland

Long Charming Grey Wig

Dyeworks Auburn: Long Charming Grey Wig

Dyeworks Black: Long Charming Grey Wig

Dyeworks Blue: Long Charming Grey Wig

Rainbow Petal Shower

Dyeworks Blue: Rainbow Petal Shower

Dyeworks Pink: Rainbow Petal Shower

Dyeworks Purple: Rainbow Petal Shower

Scattered Light Shower

Dyeworks Pink: Scattered Light Shower

Dyeworks Purple: Scattered Light Shower

Dyeworks Yellow: Scattered Light Shower

Objetos de Diciembre/Enero 2019
Disponible desde 17 de Diciembre del 2018 hasta el 7 de Enero de 2019.

Temporada Navideña

Fantastical Marshmallow Background

Dyeworks Blue: Fantastical Marshmallow Background

Dyeworks Orange: Fantastical Marshmallow Background

Dyeworks Purple: Fantastical Marshmallow Background

Holiday Angel Cape & Wig

Dyeworks Black: Holiday Angel Cape & Wig

Dyeworks Pink: Holiday Angel Cape & Wig

Dyeworks White: Holiday Angel Cape & Wig

Holiday Fireplace Background

Dyeworks Blue: Holiday Fireplace Background

Dyeworks Purple: Holiday Fireplace Background

Dyeworks Red: Holiday Fireplace Background

Light Damask Markings

Dyeworks Black: Light Damask Markings

Dyeworks Blue: Light Damask Markings

Dyeworks Lavendar: Light Damask Markings

Resplendent Wings

Dyeworks Gold: Resplendent Wings

Dyeworks Pink: Resplendent Wings

Dyeworks Silver: Resplendent Wings

Sugar Icing Holiday Cookies Garland

Dyeworks Blue: Sugar Icing Holiday Cookies Garland

Dyeworks Green: Sugar Icing Holiday Cookies Garland

Dyeworks Red: Sugar Icing Holiday Cookies Garland

Objetos de Septiembre/Octubre 2018
Disponible desde 14 de Septiembre del 2018 hasta el 21 de Octubre de 2018.

Temporada Navideña

Blue Kadoatie Hoodie

Dyeworks Green: Blue Kadoatie Hoodie

Dyeworks Purple: Blue Kadoatie Hoodie

Dyeworks Yellow: Blue Kadoatie Hoodie

Cloud Staff

Dyeworks Green: Cloud Staff

Dyeworks Red: Cloud Staff

Dyeworks Silver: Cloud Staff

Curled Updo Wig

Dyeworks Black: Curled Updo Wig

Dyeworks Red: Curled Updo Wig

Dyeworks Yellow: Curled Updo Wig

Grass Foreground

Dyeworks Blue: Grass Foreground

Dyeworks Purple: Grass Foreground

Dyeworks Red: Grass Foreground

Maraquan Fancy Dress

Dyeworks Black: Maraquan Fancy Dress

Dyeworks Gold: Maraquan Fancy Dress

Dyeworks Pink: Maraquan Fancy Dress

Pink Mountain and Cloud Background

Dyeworks Black: Pink Mountain and Cloud Background

Dyeworks Blue: Pink Mountain and Cloud Background

Dyeworks Yellow: Pink Mountain and Cloud Background

Vintage Lantern Garland

Dyeworks Brown: Vintage Lantern Garland

Dyeworks Green: Vintage Lantern Garland

Dyeworks Silver: Vintage Lantern Garland

Wonderland Gloves

Dyeworks Blue: Wonderland Gloves

Dyeworks Lavendar: Wonderland Gloves

Dyeworks Pink: Wonderland Gloves